In a virtual way, this new edition of the seminar organized by CLAYSS. proposes to address the current challenges of service-learning in the world through the exchange and discussion with prominent international specialists.
On August 26, 27 and 28, the 23rd International Conference on Service-learning will be held, a space for training and updating in the pedagogy of service-learning (SL) for teachers, principals and students at all levels of education, and members of community organizations and civil society.
The Conference promotes the international exchange of ideas and experiences among schools, colleges and universities that develop solidarity-based educational projects with the aim of expanding the spaces for articulation between the formal education system and civil society organizations for the benefit of equity and educational quality. Through various online activities, the universities that are part of UNISERVITATE, the global programme of service-learning in Catholic Higher Education, will also participate.
In this edition, the Conference will focus on the particular context generated by the current COVID-19 pandemic. Through the virtual format, this new edition takes on the challenge of continuity and expansion of collective reflection on service-learning, an innovative pedagogical movement that continues to grow based on the creativity of educators and students, even in such unique times as the one we are living in.
The 23rd Conference is organized by CLAYSS, the Latin American Centre for Solidarity Service-learning, with the support of the Ministry of Education of Argentina and the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) and with the collaboration of the Ibero-American Network for Service Learning.
The activities will be free of charge with previous registration. All conferences and plenaries will have simultaneous interpretation into English and Portuguese. Simultaneous sessions will have interpretation as indicated in each case.
UNISERVITATE is a global and networked programme that is established through a process of permanent development and the integration of new actors and institutions from a series of regional hubs strategically distributed around the world.