III Uniservitate Global Symposium: Service-Learning and Global Compact on Education: Educating for Fraternity in Higher Education (27th and 28th October) invites students, educators, researchers and experts from the five continents to share experiences, reflections and resources to transform education through service-learning and build together a great global educational village.
III Simposio Global Uniservitate: Aprendizaje-Servicio y Pacto Educativo Global: Educar para la Fraternidad en la Educación Superior (27 y 28 de octubre) invita a estudiantes, educadores, investigadores y expertos de los cinco continentes a compartir experiencias, reflexiones y recursos para transformar la educación a través del aprendizaje-servicio y construir juntos una gran aldea educativa global.
III Symposium global Uniservitate : Service-Learning et Global Compact on Education : Éduquer à la fraternité dans l’enseignement supérieur (27 et 28 octobre) invite les étudiants, éducateurs, chercheurs et experts des cinq continents à partager leurs expériences, réflexions et ressources pour transformer l’éducation par l’apprentissage-service et construire ensemble un grand village éducatif mondial.
UNISERVITATE is a global and networked programme that is established through a process of permanent development and the integration of new actors and institutions from a series of regional hubs strategically distributed around the world.