07/10/2021 ES

El aprendizaje servicio en la Educación Superior. Una mirada analítica desde los protagonistas

Presented by: UNISERVITATE

La presente publicación presenta una nueva modalidad dentro de la biblioteca de materiales editados por el Programa Nacional Educación Solidaria. En esta ocasión, los especialistas convocados a analizar las prácticas que vinculan aprendizajes formales y prácticas solidarias con la comunidad son sus propios protagonistas.

This publication presents a new modality within the library of materials published by the National Solidarity Education Program. On this occasion, the specialists summoned to analyze the practices that link formal learning and solidarity practices with the community are their own protagonists.



An ever-expanding
global network

UNISERVITATE is a global and networked programme that is established through a process of permanent development and the integration of new actors and institutions from a series of regional hubs strategically distributed around the world.