The “Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile” (UC) was born in the year 1888, from the Catholic Church’s heart, and is characterized by building a community that, in the exercise of teaching freedom, contributes to the generation, diffusion and expansion of universal knowledge, and in particular of each discipline, as well as to the scientific and professional training of youth, through research, the creation of new knowledge and undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
The Mission of the “Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile” aspires to achieve excellence in knowledge creation and transfer and in people formation, inspired by a Catholic conception and always at the service of the Church and society. It is oriented to build a frontier university that, from its Catholic identity, imagines new realities, expands opportunities and commits itself to society.
One of the overriding functions of the UC is the formation of students to serve others, in line with the Apostolic Constitution Ex Corde Ecclesiae’s words. The current UC Development Plan (2015 – 2020) proposes two cross-cutting pillars of the mission: The UC identity and Community. Additionally, these pillars are developed in five specific work axes: creation of frontier knowledge, innovation in teaching, inclusion to expand opportunities, interdiscipline for major challenges, internationalization to participate in a global world and, public Commitment.
Chantal Jouannet & Manuel Caire, Universidad Católica de Chile
Daniela Gargantini, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentina
Nicolas Standaert, Louvain University, Belgium
UNISERVITATE is a global and networked programme that is established through a process of permanent development and the integration of new actors and institutions from a series of regional hubs strategically distributed around the world.