Regional Hub



Tangaza College is a Catholic University College jointly owned by the member religious congregations. It opened its doors to the first group of students of theology on 25th August 1986. The original aim of the founding of Tangaza was to form members of religious orders for ministry in the church and society in Africa. On 3rd November 1992 Tangaza University College was recognized as a Constituent College of CUEA (Catholic University of Eastern Africa).

Over the years, a number of Institutes have been affiliated to the College or have been established as integrated Institutes of the University College. In this way, Tangaza began to extend its service to lay students, but always with the preparation of agents of social transformation in mind.

Currently, the college offers undergraduate degrees, masters degree, diploma programmes and a number of certificate programmes in its various institutes. The phenomenal growth of the College is a reflection of the importance that the Kenya Nation attaches to development in those fields and in education in general, all these being rounded up with a religious and spiritual touch rendering the student an all round formation at Tangaza.

Tangaza has established several academic affiliations and collaborations with other educational institutions. Until recently, the degrees in education and African studies have been granted by the St Mary’s University, Minnesota. Since 2010, the Institute of Social Ministry in Mission (ISMM) grants the MBA degree in collaboration with the Catholic University of Milan, Italy. The undergraduate theological programme is affiliated to the Urbaniana Pontifical University, Rome, since 2014. Two Master’s programmes in pastoral ministry have been affiliated to Duquesne University, U.S.A.



Voices of
Learning Service

"It's a matter of coherence between the command of the Church and the mission of the University (...) It isn't about being good people, it's about giving an opportunity for better quality of teaching and education. This is strategic. Associate it with the improvement processes"

Chantal Jouannet & Manuel Caire, Universidad Católica de Chile

"It is necessary to start from the recognition that the University doesn't own knowledge, and needs to place the leadership in students and the community with their knowledge and experiences"

Daniela Gargantini, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, Argentina

"Service Learning is not a creation of Catholic Universities but we recognize in this methodology many opportunities to educate students. We see how much students learn about themselves, about the course and about society by being confronted with aspects of social justice. SL is a gift from the outside that we Catholic Universities can use to help us deepen our commitment to social engagement, linked to the Church’s social mission".

Nicolas Standaert, Louvain University, Belgium

An ever-expanding
global network

UNISERVITATE is a global and networked programme that is established through a process of permanent development and the integration of new actors and institutions from a series of regional hubs strategically distributed around the world.