El Papa Francisco se dirige a los Jóvenes con cuatro conceptos claros y profundos desde el texto del Evangelio de las Bienaventuranzas: 1. La fuerza revolucionaria de las Bienaventuranzas 2. El valor de ser felices 3. Bienaventurados los pobres de espíritu 4. Porque de ellos es el Reino de los cielos.
Pope Francis speech for youth about four deep concepts: 1. The revolutionary power of the Beatitudes. 2. The courage to be happy. 3. Blessed are the poor in spirit. 4. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
UNISERVITATE is a global and networked programme that is established through a process of permanent development and the integration of new actors and institutions from a series of regional hubs strategically distributed around the world.