The following panel of the 25th International Seminar on Solidarity Service Learning shares recent publications and research related to service learning. Maria Rosa Tapia, Uniservitate Program. Luz Avruj, Outreach Program in Central and Eastern Europe. Elena Massat, “20 stories of education and solidarity”. Pablo Buján, research of the “Service-Learning in the Arts” Program. Marianela Fernández, research on the Program for the Promotion of Service-Learning in Uruguay. Moderator: Alejandra Catibiela, CLAYSS.
El siguiente panel del 25º Seminario Internacional de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario comparte publicaciones e investigaciones recientes en relación al aprendizaje servicio. Participan del taller María Rosa Tapia, Programa Uniservitate. Luz Avruj, Programa de Promoción en Europa Central y del Este. Elena Massat, “20 historias de educación y solidaridad”. Pablo Buján, investiga- ción del Programa “Aprendizaje-Servicio en las Artes”. Marianela Fernández, investiga- ción del Programa de Promoción del Aprendizaje y Servicio en Uruguay. Modera: Alejandra Catibiela, CLAYSS.
Le panel suivant du 25e séminaire international sur l’apprentissage et le service solidaire partage des publications et des recherches récentes sur l’apprentissage – service. Maria Rosa Tapia, du programme Uniservitate, participera à l’atelier. Luz Avruj, Programme de sensibilisation en Europe centrale et orientale. Elena Massat, “20 histoires d’éducation et de solidarité”. Pablo Buján, recherche sur le programme “Service-Learning in the Arts”. Marianela Fernández, recherche sur le programme de promotion de l’apprentissage par le service en Uruguay. Modératrice : Alejandra Catibiela, CLAYSS
UNISERVITATE is a global and networked programme that is established through a process of permanent development and the integration of new actors and institutions from a series of regional hubs strategically distributed around the world.