07/10/2021 ES

“Participación solidaria y calidad educativa”. Actas del 12mo. Seminario Internacional “Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario”

Presented by: UNISERVITATE

El siguiente material reune las conferencias presentadas en el 12mo Seminario Internacional de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, en el que se aborda la importancia de la reflexión sobre la práctica en todo proyecto de Aprendizaje Servicio, y se presentan experiencias en todos los niveles educativos.

The following material brings together the conferences presented at the 12th International Seminar onService Learning, in which the importance of reflection on practice in any Service Learning project is addressed, and experiences at all educational levels are presented.



An ever-expanding
global network

UNISERVITATE is a global and networked programme that is established through a process of permanent development and the integration of new actors and institutions from a series of regional hubs strategically distributed around the world.