07/10/2021 ES

La reconstrucción del tejido social fraterno

Presented by: UNISERVITATE

“La educación que necesitamos debe poder afrontar la idolatría del yo, y encontrar palabras adecuadas para volver a la originalidad y riqueza de la vocación humana, en la relación con los demás”. Carina Rossa, del Movimiento de los Focolares, retoma el pacto del Papa Francisco y el significado de sus expresiones: “juntos” o “mística del nosotros” para educar en la fraternidad.

“The education we need must be able to face the idolatry of the self, and find adequate words to return to the originality and richness of the human vocation, in the relationship with others.” Carina Rossa, of the Focolare Movement, takes up the pact of Pope Francis and the meaning of his expressions: “together” or “mystique of us” to educate in fraternity.

La reconstrucción del tejido social fraterno

An ever-expanding
global network

UNISERVITATE is a global and networked programme that is established through a process of permanent development and the integration of new actors and institutions from a series of regional hubs strategically distributed around the world.