16/06/2022 EN

Growing to Greatness: The State of Service Learning Project 2004

Presented by: The National Youth Leadership Council

“Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve.” Dr Martin Luther King´s. This sentence inspires the following report. The articles in this Report by Shelley Billig of RMC Research, Peter Scales and Gene Roehlkepartain of Search Institute, Amy Cohen of the Corporation for National and Community Service, and Jennifer Piscatelli of the Education Commission of the States provide descriptions of service-learning’s impacts on youths, their communities, and state and national policy.

“Todo el mundo puede ser grande, porque todo el mundo puede servir”. Dr. Martin Luther King. Esta frase inspira el siguiente informe. Los artículos de este informe, escritos por Shelley Billig, de RMC Research, Peter Scales y Gene Roehlkepartain, del Search Institute, Amy Cohen, de la Corporation for National and Community Service, y Jennifer Piscatelli, de la Education Commission of the States, describen el impacto del aprendizaje-servicio en los jóvenes, sus comunidades y la política estatal y nacional.

“Tout le monde peut être grand, parce que tout le monde peut servir.” Dr Martin Luther King. Cette phrase inspire le rapport suivant. Les articles de Shelley Billig (RMC Research), Peter Scales et Gene Roehlkepartain (Search Institute), Amy Cohen (Corporation for National and Community Service) et Jennifer Piscatelli (Education Commission of the States) décrivent l’impact de l’apprentissage par le service sur les jeunes, leurs communautés et les politiques nationales et étatiques.



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