27/10/2021 EN

Engaging First Peoples in Arts Based Service Learning. Towards Respectful and Mutually Beneficial Educational Practices. Landscapes: the Arts, Aesthetics, and Education 18

Presented by: UNISERVITATE

Este libro proporciona una ventana poco común y reveladora a los procesos y prácticas involucrados en la creación y el mantenimiento de proyectos de aprendizaje-servicio basados ​​en las artes, respetuosos y transformadores de los pueblos originarios. Cada capítulo se basa en asociaciones sólidas y duraderas con comunidades en Australia, Aotearoa. Nueva Zelanda, Canadá y los Estados Unidos de América, para reflexionar sobre una variedad de proyectos y actividades que se han esforzado por transformar la comprensión de los estudiantes sobre los pueblos originarios, la cultura y las comunidades y participar directamente y apoyar las actividades artísticas y culturales de la comunidad.

This book provides a rare and insightful window into the processes and practices involved in creating and sustaining respectful and transformative arts-based service-learning projects with native people. Each chapter draws on strong and enduring partnerships with communities in Australia, Aotearoa. New Zealand, Canada and the United States of America, to refl ect on a range of projects and activities that have striven to transform student understandings of First Peoples, culture, and communities and directly engage with and support communityled arts and cultural activities.


An ever-expanding
global network

UNISERVITATE is a global and networked programme that is established through a process of permanent development and the integration of new actors and institutions from a series of regional hubs strategically distributed around the world.