16/06/2022 ES

Acompañamiento Educativo: El rol del educador en Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario

Presented by: Universidad de Granada

El acompañamiento educativo es una dimensión fundamental en los procesos de crecimiento y desarrollo de individuos y grupos. Educar a través del cuidado de las relaciones, del clima y del estilo educativo constituye un proceso de apoyo a la construcción de itinerarios personales y sociales, enriquecido por matices experienciales en la planificación de proyectos desde enfoques metodológicos como el de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario (AySS). En concreto, el estilo educativo del AySS y la actitud de la persona acompañante posibilitan conceder el protagonismo pedagógico de cada experiencia al educando. Además, este liderazgo no puede darse sin la participación de todos los agentes implicados. Con todo ello, se realiza un recorrido por el acompañamiento educativo como proceso, dado el liderazgo democrático y prosocial de los educadores, así como el protagonismo pedagógico y liderazgo de los educandos; se presenta el AySS como propuesta educativa que permite “aprender mientras se realiza un servicio a la comunidad” y, finalmente, se ofrecen orientaciones hacia el rol de la persona educadora en los proyectos de AySS. Así, se considera a la juventud (o a cualquier otro colectivo implicado) como sujetos de derechos y responsabilidades; partícipes de un proceso de aprendizaje con funcionalidad y relevancia práctica y en el que puedan realizar aportaciones significativas a la comunidad, consolidando su propia historia personal y colectiva.

Educational support is a fundamental dimension in the growth and development of individuals and groups. Teaching through care for the relations, climate and educational style constitutes a way to create personal and social itineraries enriched with experiential nuances in the planning of projects from methodological approaches such as Service-Learning (SL). In particular, the educational style of SL and the supporter attitude are able to grant the pedagogical role of every experience to learners. Besides, this leadership cannot be forged without the participation of all the stakeholders. As a result, in this work, a study of educational support as a process, focusing on the democratic and pro-social leadership of the educators as well as on the pedagogical role and leadership of the learners is presented. Moreover, SL is shown here an educational proposal that allows to “learn while a service is done to the community”. Finally, some orientations for the educational role in SL projects are offered. Thus, the youth (or any other stakeholder) is considered as a subject with rights and responsibilities; participants of a learning process with practical relevance where they can make significant contributions to the community while consolidating their own personal and collective history.

Educational accompaniment is a fundamental dimension in the processes of growth and development of individuals and groups. Educating through the care of relationships, climate and educational style constitutes a process of support for the construction of personal and social itineraries, enriched by experiential nuances in the planning of projects from methodological approaches such as Solidarity Learning and Service (LYS). Specifically, the educational style of the LSSY and the attitude of the person accompanying the learner make it possible to grant the pedagogical leadership of each experience to the learner. Moreover, this leadership cannot take place without the participation of all the agents involved. With all this, a journey is made through educational accompaniment as a process, given the democratic and prosocial leadership of the educators, as well as the pedagogical protagonism and leadership of the learners; the AYSS is presented as an educational proposal that allows “learning while performing a service to the community” and, finally, orientations are offered towards the role of the educator in the AYSS projects. Thus, youth (or any other group involved) are considered as subjects of rights and responsibilities; participants in a learning process with functionality and practical relevance and in which they can make significant contributions to the community, consolidating their own personal and collective history.


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