Porticus and the Latin American Center for Solidarity Service-learning (CLAYSS) are inviting Catholic Higher Education Institutions (CHEIs) to participate in the UNISERVITATE programme.
The Programme aims to generate a systemic change in CHEIs, through the institutionalization of service-learning (SL) as a tool to fulfil their mission of an integral education, to generate agents for social change who critically engage for a better society according to the social teaching of the Church.
Twenty higher education institutions around the world will be selected to participate in a capacity building programme to institutionalize service-learning. This will include training, participation in international events, full access to our content platform, scholarships for our courses and economic assistance.
The application process for the Asia & Oceania and the Latin America and the Caribbean regions ended on September 30th.
A new deadline was established for November 27th to ensure regional and multicultural coverage for the following regions:
If your institution is interested in participating, please contact us by email: uniservitate@clayss.org.ar.
UNISERVITATE is a global and networked programme that is established through a process of permanent development and the integration of new actors and institutions from a series of regional hubs strategically distributed around the world.